Originally Posted by richardr
Thanks Donna. You're right.
However for future searches, how do you require all words in your search to be present in the text of the posting?
Humm, I use the Google Custom Search fairly successfully.
However, if using the forums Advance Search just type all the words, and then choose whether you want info from entire posts or just the Titles.
But like any search, you are going to get a lot of hits the more words you search for. Brevity really does work best. For instance, you didn't need to search for "bed" at all. Just "dinette." And not "size" The downfall, is you need at least three characters for the search. "21" isn't a valid search term. You can use a Wildcard, the Asterisk. So you would have searched 21**
And experience counts a bunch. The more you search the better you'll get at it.