There are a couple of things not previously mentioned when agonizing over whether to choose a 17B or a 19. To whit: 1) If you already have the tow vehicle you intend to use; and 2) If you are intending to buy a new or "new to you" Escape. These two are related...
If you already have your intended tow vehicle, is it a compact, mid-sized or full sized vehicle? There are significant differences in towing capability between vehicles, and the 17B is quite a bit lighter than the 19 once fully outfitted and loaded for a trip. If you don't yet have a tow vehicle, get the trailer you want, then get the tow suited to the trailer.
Regarding new or used trailers, what are generally referred to on this forum as first generation Escapes are quite a bit lighter than the second generation models. Knowledgeable people looking for used Escapes seem to have preferences based on their intended tow vehicle due to the weight differences, not due to livability or quality issues. Of course the fly in the ointment here is the scarcity and cost of used Escapes due to the currently hot seller's market.. There are not a lot of choices available out there.
My wife and I were looking before the pandemic started, and saw a couple of 17Bs we thought we liked , and knew they would be great behind our Nissan Frontier. Then we stumbled upon a first gen 19, and I was given the ultimatum--we would buy a 19. Turned out that the 19 towed behind the Frontier just fine, and I didn't get a new tow vehicle.
Fog Lark