Trailer: 2015 Escape 21 2002 Tundra 4x4 V-8 tow package.
Posts: 163
Escape 21 coming to San Francisco Bay Area
I've been on the hunt for a travel trailer for the better part of a year. With great influence from this forum I chose an ESCAPE 21. Choosing which model was the only difficult part. Here's a few reasons why: Most likely the best built travel trailer, you can " Have it your way" A very large group of happy customers, Tammy and Reese.
The Most likely occupants are my wife and I with our Dog. Boondocking is our camping style of choice, Extreme case will be northern Montana in Oct/Nov for a month. All other seasons and destinations are fair game as long as I can FISH. So……. My first order will be to design the solar power. I think the ETI solar needs a little upgrading. Completing the build sheet will be much less daunting with the help of this forum. Looking forward to attend an Escape rally to meet some of you folks. Now I get to spend the rest of my day reading posts and taken notes.
Thank you all,
Craig, we're about 4 hours north of you in Tahoe....pick up our 19 on June 23, can't wait. Then trip down the west coast with our doggie....promises to be a great summer! Seems to be a lot of escapees in Calif.....
You've made a wise choice. Escape makes great trailers and I'm very happy with my 2014 19. They're well built, and designed. The resale value is great and they are easy to tow. The towing fuel economy is better then most also.
We have a California Escape rally in Jalama beach in September. Contact "Greggo" for more information. The enaugural one last year was a great time.
Don't make excuses for failure, seek ways to succeed.