Looking to upgrade
When my mom in her 70's mentioned she always wished she had learned to tow a trailer I thought it would be a step up from traveling cross country in my Honda van.
I bought a 1963 fireball 13 foot, No bath, no water, nice bed and lots of storage. for the first year I could not back it up to save my life. The second year got was a bit better.
Then my mom offered to sell me her 1996 16' Casita that she rescued out of Alaska. So I sadly parted ways with the Fireball that leaked for a trailer with no bath but it does have a stove and fridge, and doesn't leak and I can proudly say I can back up most of the time.
Now I would like to actually live in the trailer so a bath would be nice. I am thinking of a 19' and see one in my area posted today. Since I have been scoping out this site for months it might be time to upgrade. My mom is now 86 and trains hunting dogs in Alaska.