My name is Jack and I live in St Augustine,Fl. I recently bought a used F150 Ecoboost that came with a 5th wheel frame setup in the bed. The hitch isn't there but all setup otherwise. I had been toying with the idea of getting a TT and then the 5th wheel option appeared. Learning all I can and want to stay a big way! My job as a Tugboat Capt gives me every other month off,so plenty of time for camping/exploring etc. Thanx for having me!
I look forward to learning here.
--Time and trouble will tame an advanced young woman, but an advanced older woman is uncontrollable by any earthly force. --Dorothy Sayers
Welcome Jack,
Contact the factory about the spec's for the firth wheel Escape and see if your hitch would work. Pictures posted here also would give others an idea of your set up. If you need help with pictures, contact me or any other moderator.
Sometime life gets in the way of living.......