Just put our name on the list for a new 17B. Our first camper. Hope to glean a lot of tips from this forum as to what options we need, what might make life better, etc. Will be using it a lot for going to sheep dog trials and as a base station for birdwatching and hiking adventures.
August is the best weather which is when we picked up. You might want reservations though as that is when everything can get booked. Good for you and the doggies.
Cathy. Floating Cloud
"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.... "
Congratulations!!! And it's only what....?, seven months way? You are going to have an exciting summer ahead! So much to ponder before admitting your build sheet...
And still time left to go camping before it gets cold again. Couldn't be better!
"never lose hope, never lose faith"