Originally Posted by steve dunham
The original Hamm' s brewery was located in St .Paul's Swede Hollow on the corner of Payne and Minnehaha Ave . Minnesota still does not allow the sale of intoxicating beverages on Sunday (3.2 beer can be purchased on Sunday) Intoxicating beverage (off sale hard liquor ) can only be purchased in licensed liquor stores ,which are stand alone businesses..
All true, Steve. I often ride my bike behind the old brewery, which is mostly abandoned and falling down.
But there are signs of hope. 15 tap rooms opened in the Twin Cities last year, part of a micro brewery boom. This was largely due to 'the Surly Law' -- a change to allow on site sale of beer for smallbrewererys. Not sure what the definition of 'small' is since it includes Summit which has a pretty impressive operation. The law was passed to allow Surly to build a $20 million dollar tap room that opened last week
One of the best little brewerys is 'flat earth brewing' which recently moved to part of the old Hamm's brewery. Another portion has been taken over by a company that wants to do agraponics and fish farming.
Jim, the picture for the 'Land of sky blue waters' was taken from the dining room at the 'End of the Trail' lodge at the end of the Gunflint Trail in Northern Minnesota. Lindy worked there when she was in college.