Well, if I am understanding this correctly, I think it is simple math. If your new RFU6800 draws X when running, then if the duty cycle is 50%, your continuous simulated amp draw is X/2.I would like to replace my fridge with a compressor fridge. I'm looking at the NovaKool RFU 6800 but its 5.2 amp current draw gives me pause. So I intend to run an experiment to simulate the current draw of a compressor fridge on my trailer's 12V electrical system. I want to plug an incandescent bulb into the inverter, leave the trailer parked in the sun, then turn on the light and leave it on for several days while monitoring the batteries. Since the compressor doesn't run all of the time, what amperage should I try to draw with my experiment?
I know this won't be an exact simulation-- for instance, it doesn't account for opening the fridge door, which anyone who has seen me knows is a frequent occurrence. But it will give me some information. Right now I doubt my 12V system could keep up, but I'd like to test it.
Hopefully, someone with an RFU6800 can suggest a real world duty cycle, which includes frequent access to cold goodies.