California Dreaming
Advanced Member
So is it fair to say not only do we have a unique, superior quality trailer but now it's limited edition too? We purchased our 15B trailer in November 2014 and although I absolutely LOVE it there are times I wish we would have looked closer at 17' trailer, just to have that much more room when both of us are in the trailer, more closet space and the option to have both bed and dinette up at the same time. Ultimately, the 15' was the better fit for us. Despite both trailers posting the same GVWR, after taken a few trips (including trip from Chilliwack to CALIF), I know the additional weight of the 17' would require upgrading our tow vehicle which is only a SUV with a V6 engine and I really don't want to drive a gas guzzling truck around town. We also considered not getting the b/r (again more space, less weight) but ultimately I'm glad we did. On cold, rainy nights it's been nice not having to get dressed or worse hold it all night (lol). Cleaning the black tank has become less and less stressful and I'm sure soon it will be second nature to us. And while I can understand the mentality of using campsite facilities (we often do), I can't say the same about portable port-a-potty. Where do people use it? Some things should be done behind close doors, no matter how close a couple you are.
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