I've chatted with Tammy and with her permission, I created a print ready PDF of the 2014 calendar. It prints 11x17 just like the calendar ETI sent out. It's not perfect, I didn't want to tear my own calendar apart, but I think you'd like it. I actually kept my calendar at home (posted above the monitor) and have printed out January that I have hanging in my cube work space. Dreaming daily...
I wanted to do this for those that didn't receive a calendar this year and for those wannabes. Nothing quite like having an Escape trailer right at eye level all day long to make me want to go camping in one!
The file size limit of a PDF 400kb is limiting the upload to two PDFs per post.
Cover and January
I wanted to do this for those that didn't receive a calendar this year and for those wannabes. Nothing quite like having an Escape trailer right at eye level all day long to make me want to go camping in one!
The file size limit of a PDF 400kb is limiting the upload to two PDFs per post.
Cover and January