A comment and a story...
Take a close look at the specs of the flashlights that take an AA battery and claim a large number of lumens. Typically they take either AA or 14500 format batteries. The AA are 1.5v, the 14500 are (iirc) 3.7v. You only get the full brightness with the 14500 format battery. Put a AA in them, and you typically get 100 lumens or so.
Now the story... Cleaning out my Dad's basement when he was moving, we came across a "flashlight" -- it was actually a 120v hand-held flood light, that was originally intended for video recording. He was getting rid of it, and while I didn't have any use for it, I took it home. That night, on our porch, turned it on. Wow! But all I could see was it lighting up the inside of the screened-in porch. So I got closer to the screen so I could see out into the yard... And then I started to get that smell you get when something is getting too hot. Quickly turned off the light figuring it was overheating, but it was fine. On the other hand, I came just short of melting a hole through the screen... There's a reason they called them "hot lights"...