again, the mattress in the 21C is closest to a "Full XL", and Full XL fitted sheets and mattress pads fit it very nicely. a Full XL is about 6" narrower than a queen, and the same length. I thought the mattress in the 5.0 was the same size.
The 21C is a full XL, but the 5.0 is claimed to be a Queen, 60 x 80".again, the mattress in the 21C is closest to a "Full XL", and Full XL fitted sheets and mattress pads fit it very nicely. a Full XL is about 6" narrower than a queen, and the same length. I thought the mattress in the 5.0 was the same size.
I am going off memory here, but I believe when we bought sheets we bought queens to go on the mattress and doubles for the top sheet and do you use queen size sheets on the 5.0 mattress? I would think the top sheet would hang down too far as would a comforter?