I have no option to store my RV at home. I have a HUGE yard by city standards, but only have access through a green strip, and that is not allowed, let alone not feasible to do. I can't legally park in the front drive or on the road for more than 2 or 3 days, though I do keep my trailer in the drive right now, and as long as no neighbour complains, I should be ok, hopefully until fall. I will either store it beside a garage that I rent for my company, or out on our land which is about 1 1/2 hours away. The later would only be for winter storage though. Either way I would like to limit the amount of exposure it gets. I have looked into portable garages, but a good one the size I would need, and that is guaranteed for at least 10 years is going to be at least $2k, and higher.