Senior Member
I guess using the mirror to shave or put on make up would also be within allowable perimeters if you don't look to long. Lol
Show me data that proves looking at a rear view monitor is any different from viewing the same image in a mirror......that data does not exist.
I am just presenting the information that is available from the US government agencies that have (probably) spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and several years reviewing studies and presentations and made a decision.
And, that is their opinion.
And, that's what the hearings are all about, with input from the major automakers and other interested parties. Where do you get the information you stated, that there is no data?
I'm not going to quote pages and pages. I provided the link.
I don't have to show you data. I don't care what you think.
I'm not trying to persuade you of anything.
I am just presenting the information that is available from the US government agencies that have (probably) spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and several years reviewing studies and presentations and made a decision.
And, that is their opinion.
We have seat belts and air bags and impaired driving laws too.
You have more endurance than I for reading documents such as these.
(I should probably mention that OSHA is the department that sets federal work safety standards for the US.)
And your avatar reminds me of Yertle, the Turtle, which makes me smile!
I'm surprised I didn't think to post this earlier. The CHEVY Bolt EV (that's electric vehicle, Karen ) is going to have a wide angle rear view camera integrated into the mirror.
I'm surprised I didn't think to post this earlier. The CHEVY Bolt EV (that's electric vehicle, Karen ) is going to have a wide angle rear view camera integrated into the mirror.
I get that this is a joke , but seriously...I guess using the mirror to shave or put on make up would also be within allowable perimeters if you don't look to long. Lol