I am sorry for the delay on the baffle instructions. I recorded everything and now cannot find cord to get from camera to computer
I will just take photos and post as originally planned.
Thanks for the info.
I read a very interesting article -- reads like a rant but the guy has some valid points, about how ammonia absorption refrigerators just don't last. He makes a point that a) rv refrigerator manufacturers don't provide the service needed, and b) that there would be a huge market for compressor type refrigerator manufacturers to make units designed to simply drop in and replace the absorption types:
RV Refrigerator Failures - RV Full Time
Sorry , I have been away from wifi for several days . Reace did our baffle update while we were at the factory last Friday going over the build sheet for the new 21.
I was going to post what ETI sent out but the file is to large (933kb) to upload to the forum (will only allow 400kb for PDF). I cant figure out how to reduce the size without lowering the resolution of the pictures and they need to be clear. It has several pictures and maybe that's why ETI has not posted it.
Maybe someone else that received it can do it.