Senior Member
Jim , no one is talking about limiting or stopping commercial traffic but about limiting unnecessary pleasure travel
Our local campgrounds has been closed due to covid 19
Our local bars and restaurants have been closed due to covid 19
Our local schools are closed due to covid 19
Our local Walmart is closed to overnight camping
Our local senior center is closed due to covid 19
Our local churches have canceled services due to covid 19
Our local Native American Casino is limiting the number of occupants and cutting their hours
Walmart selling goods is one thing but turning their parking lot into a campgrounds is not being condoned or encouraged by anyone
My Escape is parked in my pole barn and will remain there until this ordeal is under control
Sometimes my wants and desires have to take a back seat to the common good
I think the context of Jim's original reply was possibilities for traveling home should a buyer decide to pickup in Sumas.