Advanced Member
Any suggestions/thoughts on good product (Turtle Wax?) that is OK for fiberglass surface for a monthly or "back from trip" cleaning, short of full polish with Star Brite? Have found that rag and water took off the minor black streaks under windows.
Thanks for any advice.
I try to keep our trailer well "polished" with 303 Aerospace Protectant & most of the "crud" doesn't really stick. I tend to rinse with the pressure washer, hand wash with soap & microfibre cloths (Castile soap), rinse with pressure washer, and then re-303. Most stuff doesn't stick, and the H2O2 treatment on stubborn bugs at the appropriate step of this process is quite helpful, as needed.
I can't use smelly products, which almost everything is (303 smells a bit, but it is a quick job so I can cope well enough), and no way am I buffing - hand washing is bad enough, but it works.