Winter is such a relative term. For those living far south in areas where summers are unbearably hot, winter is the time of year when the Escape trailers come out and the camping season is in full swing. Where I live in northern Alberta, the winters can be unbearably cold for months at a time. I find that it is usually cold enough by mid to late October such that it is necessary to drain all of the lines and tanks and winterize with RV antifreeze. My Escape has the extra insulation and the dual pane windows, which helps to stretch out the camping season for me. Although some do use their trailers all winter long (often not using any of the plumbing in the system and having their propane furnace run continuously), I prefer not to be towing my trailer on icy roads or on wet slushy roads, particularly with all of the road salt used in the cities and on the roads around here. By end of October, my Escape will be winterized and will sit in my yard all polished up and covered, ready and waiting for spring. Depending on how good the spring weather is, April will typically be the month where I take off the cover and get ready for that first camping trip of the year.
Am still hoping to get out with the Escape for 1 or 2 more weekend trips before the winter season hits.