...Its a remarkably sanitary process.
- make sure you flush enough water into the black tank to cover the floor of the black tank before you use the
- hook the dump hose to the RV, put the right angle end into the sewer drain
- open black valve. WOOOOSH, all the nasty black water goes out. when it stops, flush a few bowls of water down the toilet, close the black valve.
- open the grey valve, grey water washes out the sewer drain and your hose.
- grey always takes too long to dump, so flush about 5-6 toilet bowls full of water into the black tank to prime it while you're waiting (see step 1)
- when the grey finishes, close the grey dump valve, 'milk' the dump hose to let any leftover grey to go down the dump.
- disconnect grey hose from trailer, and use the dump site's water hose to rinse it off, and flush water down the dump hose
- drain all water out of the hose down the drain, rinse off the angle fitting that was in the sewer drain hole. put the hose and elbow away. rinse out the trailer drain pipe.
- rinse off the apron if there was any spillage. rinse off your gloves for the sake of it.
done. sounds complicated, but really it just takes about 10 minutes. so called composting toilets don't actually compost, you are dumping buckets of pee and bags of poop.