Perhaps some people missed the point of my last post. Mask wearing should be an individual decision. Everyone should be free to choose whether to wear one or not. It has never (until very recently?) been "good manners" or acceptable social behavior to "shame" a person into altering his choice, to give dirty looks or make snide comments, or to become confrontational. Even walking up to a person and saying in a calm voice, "You should be wearing a mask," would have been off-limits behavior just a year or two ago.
People who don't wear masks have reasons for their actions. Their reasons aren't anyone else's business, let alone their decision. But the majority seem to have now decided to make it their business and to actively push back against anyone who isn't "complying" with the popular viewpoint. I lament this development. For one thing, it says that good manners are going "out the window". For another, once the precedent is set whereby the majority accept their role as "enforcement partners" of the majority opinion, it will not stop with masks. Next it will be, "everyone should get a Covid vaccine, and never mind that it hasn't been properly tested." After that it might be, "everyone should get a tracking device implanted," or who knows what else?
We would be better off as a society if we all took Ann Landers' most popular and frequent advice: "MYOB."
The online "Free Dictionary" has a section on idioms, and when one looks up the saying, "Live and Let Live," here is the entry:
live and let live
To be open-minded toward or tolerant of others.
Your daughter's not going to do everything the way you would—just live and let live.
I don't understand why people can't just live and let live instead of trying to bend everyone to their will.