Excellent information. Storage directs us to the 19. I think we will be very happy. Now…new or used.. Fun to work through.
Mike, thanks for your thoughtful reply. You’ve got me considering a 21, but I really think it would be near impossible to back into our driveway due to on street parking. There are some days getting the teardrop up is difficult (just a note for my ego, I’m exceptional at backing boats and trailers, it’s just tight on our street).
Chris, I don't have a horse in this race. If you don't buy a 21 (or even an Escape!) I won't feel dissed or invalidated or whatever it is that sometimes causes us to promote our personal choices a bit too "enthusiastically".
That said, "on paper" I was Jonesing for the 19 and the wife for the 5.0, but the showroom led us to the 21C. As you say, it can be fun to work through. Your journey will be different.
Regarding storage, the 21C has an option called the "tall drawer stack". It extends the low cabinet at the foot of the bed up to the ceiling. We use the upper section of that cabinet as a dry goods pantry. (We use the adjoining clothes closet next to the refrigerator as (gasp!) a clothes closet, a practice sometimes frowned upon by the knit-shirt crowd.)
If you look at the 21NE, it's more like a super-sized 19; I can't really speak to the storage configurations in either of those two trailers. However, in general, accessing the under-bed storage in these trailers benefits from a variety of improvements ranging from adding the optional cabinet doors, to building long "drawers" comprised of three or four plastic milk boxes arranged on a track, to adding cylinders to facilitate lifting the bed and providing better access from the top. I currently just use a broomstick with a small hook on the end to fish for things stored in the furthest reaches of the area under the bed.
We find that the front storage box mounted on the A-frame is a blessing to carry towing gear, a bottle jack, chocks and blocks, a door mat, mop bucket and various items that get wet and dirty. So, you may want to consider this option.
So much depends on your interests. If you are partial to SCUBA, kayaks, pets, barbeques, zero gravity loungers, or other similarly "profligate" habits, you'll have to work that out. (I like to kid John in Santa Cruz here on the forum about carrying "telescopes of unusual size" as he has an large reflector and accompanying ladder etc. which he carts about.)
One day I hope to undertake a few other improvements, perhaps moving the spare tire under the trailer and adding space for a canopy and/or large rug on the back bumper. But, in general, we easily travel with the trailer and our Jeep GC tow vehicle neither overloaded nor overflowing. We carry two folding electric bikes behind the second row in the Jeep, the trailer's cabinets are generally about half to 3/4 full, and towing weight is consistently about 4,500 to 4,600 lbs. We never eat all the food nor wear all the clothes nor use all the gear we bring but, like the boy scouts, we are prepared.
As to parking, I find the 21 can sometimes be surprisingly balky when it comes time to back it into a narrow space beside the house after a long day on the road. Other times it's incredibly easy, so it's kind of hit or miss. I don't know how much the 19's slightly shorter length might improve things in that regard, but it's certainly something to think about. Beyond that you can look into power dollies, front bumper hitches, and really go down the rabbit hole...