We have power!!
Okay, our RV tech, Dennis, came early so we now have a full report. And, before I start, let me just preface this by saying that Dennis, who used to build boats for a living, loves our trailer -- as he loved the 19’ before it. He thinks they are well made and, by all standards, darn good little trailers -- and he always entertains us by humming “Oh, Canada” while he’s working. :whistling:
Dennis removed the outside receptacle while his helper stayed crammed inside to hold the nuts, etc. (Oh, he told us that when you pry off the outside receptacle after removing the screws, use WD-40 on your putty knife as it makes it easier to slip through the putty and helps to prevent marring of the gel coat.) When he removed the inner part of the outside receptacle, a wire terminal and the screw holding the ground wire fell out (see photo). The other two terminals were lying inside, not connected. It appeared that the wires weren’t torqued down enough during build so bouncing along eventually jostled the wires loose and caused the error. Turns out, the clip on the inside receptacle was probably instrumental in keeping the wires in place which was why, when my husband would jiggle it, the error code would go away (photo).
Dennis stripped the wires a bit more, torqued everything down really, really well, tested it and we are now good to go. He explained that, had we let it go, the ground wire could have touched one of the other wires, causing arcing and then things would have started to melt -- which is what happened to Julie. He also said this is one of the most common problems that he sees with ALL brands of RVs. So there you have it, problem solved.