I think the extra 4 inches in width would benefit anyone taller than 6 foot in sleeping crossways in the trailer. Of course the 2 step is great as well.
Thanks to Pat I did the same backsplash extension both behind and to side of stove on my 17. so easy to do and easy to clean. I think it looks great.
It's nice there are choices. I see the change required the 'closet/pantry' to be a lot narrower. I don't typically carry hanging clothes, but do hang a couple of coats and that's the only space above waist level for heavier/bulky storage. Like coffee makers, Instant Pots, etc. I really don't like getting down on my hands and knees to get out things to cook with, besides everything is always at the back of the cupboard! I think the drawer and cupboard stack (optional) at the end of the bed would be missed by some.
Not sure if this was answered, but it is the same as the one in the 19 or 5.0TAWonder how big bath is ?
For me this would mostly be looking in the window, as I much prefer to do dishes where I can relax doing chores much due to being in the great outdoors.I like looking out a window when I do dishes, not the wall.
In the photo shown the 2nd step down is about 2-4" off the ground which to me would cause stumbling issues going up and down when the trailer is level and on a hard surface? Why the demand for the second step?
In the photo shown the 2nd step down is about 2-4" off the ground which to me would cause stumbling issues going up and down when the trailer is level and on a hard surface? Why the demand for the second step?
Thanks for sharing the photos! Consumers like options, the more they can make something what they want instead of feeling they have to settle on what's available the more consumers will be driven to your product. I feel Escape is in a very unique position, not many competitor, a very good reputation, and also fills some niches the competition they do have does not do. I think as long as the economy stays positive they should do well and continuing to improve your brand is refreshing thing to see.
Enjoy the journey.