If you follow this forum very long you will encounter certain topics which evoke unexpected but passionate responses from members. Amazingly sometimes their opinions vary. These opinions sometimes grow long distance runner legs and can become quite lengthy. Making the number of responses pretty big. References made are for “best peanut butter, window style on trailers, best tow vehicle, and finally edibility of poutine, SPAM, and finally scrapple. Scrapple is a meat? (ahem) product made of ground trimmings from butchered animals, usually formed into a thin patty and fried . I once described it as a “meat cookie”. Many feel it’s inedible, some think not.
Being from Hawaii you could probably clear up a question I’ve had for some time. Does “Aloha” really mean hello and good bye?. There’s a starter for you. There can be serious, (learned) responses, humorous responses, responses with anecdotal proof of evidence, and finally flippant responses by people who are way to serious and don’t like to be tricked into wasting their time on frivolous topics. They will not inherit the Earth.
If you write without paragraphs you may be chastised by retired English teachers, grammarians and people with too much time on their hands. When that happens to me, which it has many times, I smile, say to myself, “my work here is done”, and go back outside to do some more work. Which is not often completed. Hope this helps
Iowa Dave