In my opinion the sellers and buyers haven’t had much of a problem hooking up over the years. So I see this as a service that probably isn’t really needed. If Escape would continue to do repairs, maintenance service and the addition of aftermarket options I believe it would go further to serve the former customers ( now owners) and to reduce angst in potential customers who worry about complete separation after pickup and warranty run out. Also minor fixes on separately warranted components such as sail switch installation, free winterization instructions as a rally class and a quickie repair offering of say door keepers, battery vents, light bulbs, things of that sort would further build customer loyalty and repeat sales. In my opinion.
After I retired I had to try my hand as a salesman. Always wondered if I could do it. When people bought a $40 bird feeder from me and a perch came off and was lost, they came
In to “buy” a new one. I simply got out replacement and installed it, tightened the rest of the perches and usually gave them a cheap 5 pound bag of seed for their troubles and a seed price flyer. Our non-commercial sales of “walk in homeowner” customer purchases went from $8,000 to $80,000 in two years when the word got out that the “Big Guy” would treat you right.
Iowa Dave