Factory Tour on 9/3/15

NW Cat Owner

Senior Member
Feb 26, 2015
Got up really early this morning and took a trip up the factory. Didn't have any traffic on the way up, but hit a TON of it on the way home. Stupid Seattle traffic.

Anyway, I'm pretty tired, so will make this first report quite quick.

Had a GREAT time up there. Got to take a bazillion pictures and measurements of the 5.0TA. Took the factory tour with another couple that had also driven up from Seattle that morning, after flying in from CA. They were there to inspect the 17A (and B that was on display) as they have one on order they're getting in December (if I recall correctly). Took a ton of photos of the tour, which I'll post tomorrow.

In the meanwhile, I'll tease ya with a few photos of named trailers that we saw in progress. See if you know these trailers/owners! And a few that had different colored graphics.

"Spirit of the Plains" was outside getting washed, so I'm assuming it was fully finished. When we came back from the tour it had been moved elsewhere.
Well, pooh, can't figure out how to add photos to my posts. Oh wait, maybe I did. Let's see if this works:


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Got to see lots of different colors for the graphics, which was pretty neat. The grape/purple 15 footer was outside and looked really nice in the sunshine. It was inside the fence, so we couldn't get a closer look.

Also saw gold, black, red, dark grey, royal blue and teal. Not sure what they're called in the chart, but that's what I'm calling 'em.

Here's some photos of the different colors (other than what's shown in my first batch of photos). One of the photos shows a naked trailer and then then "Nomad" with the graphics as they were applied in that stage of completion.


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Laura, thanks for the update. We pick up "Spirit of the Plains" Thursday the 10th. Just a little 2000 mile drive ahead of us. Loren
Okay, last photos for tonight. Sarah, the gal giving us the tour, said they have a guy that hangs from a harness to attach the stuff that's on top of the trailer. Not the solar panel as that was installed elsewhere, she thought. He would install the Maxx fan, a/c and whatever else was needed. We decided that was not the job for us.


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Yes, Laura, it did work. Thanks for posting the photos, especially a photo of our 17A. Photo #4, "The Pullman". It's the one with Teal graphics. Now it's even tougher to wait another 2 weeks.

Great reporting!

I was hoping the owner would see those photos! Glad you did.

That teal color looked REALLY nice on the trailer. Even my husband liked it and commented on it. I didn't get to see much of the inside as I just popped my head in (don't think I took photos of the inside, but I'll look at the 179 photos I took later (most were of the 5.0TA on display, so they won't be posted here, but are for our use). The couple from CA have a 17A on order, so they spent quite a bit of time inside it and the tour time was getting close to ending.

More photos and reporting later this morning (or afternoon or night, depending on where you are), so stay tuned! :popcorn:
Laura, thanks for the update. We pick up "Spirit of the Plains" Thursday the 10th. Just a little 2000 mile drive ahead of us. Loren

Have a safe trip and know that you're heading towards a very nice and beautiful trailer.

When we came back across the border I got stuck in the line with all the RVs. Don't get in that line unless you have to, as it was the slowest. However, the guy at the booth well knew Escape trailers! He asked why we were in Canada and I said we were at a trailer factory in Chilliwack and he said "oh, Escape trailers, I know them well. Lots of them come through here". So, we got to chatting briefly about them and he wants one as well, but finances preclude him from getting one. He didn't even ask if we bought anything (a 2 dollar telescoping fly swatter) or if we had drugs or anything. Of course, the huge backscatter xray machine that we drove through could have answered some of his questions, I guess (nope, no dead bodies or guns, officer).
I was really thankful to be able to spend quite a bit of time inside the 5.0TA to get a really good feel for it, as well as taking measurements. While we were doing that, several other folks stopped in for a peek. One fellow was Canadian, but was a US Marine (didn't know that was possible; learn something new every day). He wanted a trailer for hunting, but didn't want to wait that long. I told him the story about the dead moose in the trailer that was reported on this forum a few years ago.

Another fellow popped in. He had picked up their 19' about 6 weeks ago and has spent the time since visiting Alaska and Canada. He brought the trailer in for some work before they start to head home to Florida. Sorry, if you're reading this, I've forgotten your name! I was so overwhelmed by so much stuff yesterday.

The first photo shows the view from the bed loft area with the window open. Previous reports about the airflow up there being much improved with the windows open were correct. It was sunny at this point (not later on, though). I also measured how much space there was on either side of the bed (appx 10-11").

As you can see there are a bunch of trailers all lined up, waiting for their owners. I imagine some are new, while others are there for service or whatever. You can also tell that you can still see fairly well through the screen.

Second photo shows the velco cover that goes over the vent in the loft area. I was wondering about that and now I no longer wonder. ;D Hey, other inquiring minds might want to know.

After the tour I remembered to lay out my samples of flooring, countertop and fabric to see how they looked in the trailer. Unfortunately, by then it was dumping rain and without lights in the display trailer I couldn't see very well. But I know they'll look great when it's raining out and I don't have lights on. HA! But I also know they'll look great when it's sunny. :)

Third photo shows the space next to the side of the bed. Enough room for my size 11s to feel half way comfortable. I did forget to ask about them installing a flip up table next to the bed, but I hope one could be installed against the cubby, if it could be reinforced. I would want more than just the cubby for putting things down at night.

And speaking of my size 11s, I think they would stash quite nicely in the lower step hidey hole. The Canadian US Marine was quite thrilled to see that feature. It's shown in photo 4.


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First photo shows "Spirit of the Plains" getting towed away after it's sparking wash job. As you can see there are other trailers farther back in the lot. They were all over the place!

If the factory was larger and they had more than one mold per trailer, that side and back lot would probably be filled with more trailers waiting for new owners. They are moving the offices to another building at some point. I hope they install some sort of lunch room for the workers as they had to eat in their work areas or even in the partly built trailers. A place where they would eat away from their work would probably be gratefully received.

Second photo shows Spirit getting backed in and where it'll probably stay until Lauren and Cathy pick it up next week! :thumb:

Third and fourth photos show a brand new 5.0TA getting hauled out of the factory after it's been completed. Who does this belong to? Heck if I know!


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First photo shows some trailers still in the warehouse. I believe that's "Nomad", but I'm not 100% sure. This was taken before our tour and by the time we got around there the doors were closed, so I was a bit disorientated and all that. Those fiberglass fumes must have been getting to me! Holy cow, that's a strong smell!

Second photo shows more trailers on the lot and two big doghouses. The shepherd greeted the people that got there before us and later on we saw one of the rotties sacked out. They had lilac scented candles lit in the office area to cover up the wet doggie smell.

Third photo - more trailers! And a dark green decal. Didn't realize that until now.


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First photo shows half of a mold (don't know which size). The orange you see on the inside the surface of the mold. A lot of care, attention and money went into creating this mold. The orange is a painted surface, which will be coated with the fiberglass resin mixture, so it needs to be very durable.

Second photo shows some of the different components they mold there themselves. Heck if I know what was what. I wasn't able to hear much of what was said on the tour as I was busy snapping photos and I figured my husband would hear and absorb all the information far better than me. He's quite interested in stuff like that, while for me it just flies over my head. You can see the trailer body molds off the right side of the photo.

Third photo shows what is probably the same half of the mold from the first phot and if you look closely you can see it's labeled "21". All of the molds were labeled. The half mold is attached to a rotating stand. Dirk figures the fiberglass is sprayed in upside down, which is easier to do and then later it'll be mated to the other half. On the left is a mold that most likely has a fiberglass inside and is curing.

Fourth photo probably shows the end of the same one seen on the left in the third photo. The thingies on the end are the things used for rotation of the mold. I think Sarah said it takes 2-3 days for each trailer to cure.


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First and second photos show the inside of the trailer. Dirk was pretty impressed that the trailer is actually molded as one piece instead of the two halves curing separately and then glued together. Shown inside the trailer is probably the door opening. Which is now waste material as it unfortunately can't be reused.

White spots are not from my camera, like I first thought, but are in the trailer body itself.

Third and fourth photos show the room where a combination of fiberglass bits and an epoxy resin is sprayed on a mold surface. Dirk is guessing that since we see the white coloring, it was sprayed on the outside surface of the mold. Fortunately they weren't spraying when we were in there as you were required to wear a respirator while working in there (according to the sign on the door).


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Wow, Laura thanks for all these awesome pics. Felt like I toured the factory with you!! Awesome job.
First photo shows a 5.0TA with the windows and doors and such cut out. You can see some of the build sheet notes by the door and some wiring hanging out.

In the second photo I'm outside, looking in through the kitchen window. Here you can see the wood attach points that have been added in. they'll be used to attach things like cabinetry, fans, etc, etc.

More of the same in the third photo.

Fourth photo shows the openings all cut out for the windows in the dinette, bathroom and loft, as well as the venting areas for the frig, the skylight and the storage areas. As well as the worker taking her lunch break inside. Yep, need a breakroom ETI!


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The next 4 photos show the inside of a trailer (don't remember what size, maybe a 21', but don't quote me on it). The insulation (the shiny stuff) has been installed as well as the inside liner (the white stuff).

Heck if I know what's going on with the heart cut-out. I teased the worker taking his lunch break next to the trailer that there must have been some story going on and/or some work place romance. He just laughed and didn't say much about it. Hee, hee. It was cut out in the window opening area.

I also asked if that means they're going to start offering custom shaped windows. Yeah, right, like that's really gonna happen. but it was fun to see.

I don't know what the white thing is inside the trailer.


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First photo show a trailer in progress. I think this is the same one shown earlier where I mentioned the guy hanging from the harness to install stuff.

Next 3 photos are from the inside of a trailer. Not even sure if it's inside the same trailer. In the 2nd photo you can see they're getting black countertops. I was just popping my head in and snapping photos and then quickly catching up to the rest of the group as I was usually trailing along behind everyone.


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First photo shows the various sheets of information taped to the side of the trailer (back left). As well as a copy of the build sheet (to the right) and a copy of some customization. Sarah thought it might be for the fabric, but she wasn't 100% sure (she's only worked there for a month and is still learning).

Second photo shows the workers' sheets. Each person had a section they were required to check off after it had been completed. Later on someone (not Sarah) would double check everything had been checked off and completed against the list. the right side is the Trailer Test Checklist.

Next two are more of the inside work.


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Don and Teresa, here's 4 more photos of The Pullman.

Sarah is the tour guide on the right. the two in the middle are the ones from CA that ordered one like yours, so they were thrilled to see one in person. Dirk is the partially shown person on the left.


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Next batch of photos show the 5.0TA up on a hoist. This is when the underneath insulation is installed, if it was ordered. I think Sarah also said they inspect what all is underneath, but don't quote me on that. I also don't know when the tanks and such are installed. As I already mentioned, I wasn't able to hear most of the tour and much of what I was looking at I was clueless about. But it was great fun seeing everything!


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