Y is Me
Advanced Member
We have this dehumidifier, which we plug in whenever we have hookups, and also when trailer is in storage mode between trips but on shore power:Ivation ERSDM18 Mini Dehumidifier with Both Peltier and Exclusive Ers Technologies for Power Efficiency and Better Moisture Removal https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00RZVHB7M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_wvYRAb5T1K5GD
We bought it with nothing better than some scrutiny of reviews of similar units on The Amazon. In a closed trailer it will pull a couple cups of water out of the air every week or two, so it’s obviously doing better than a 60 watt lightbulb.
If I was doing it over again I’d get this one though:Whynter RPD-321EW Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier, 30-Pint https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00V69GJ54/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_hBYRAb9Y8ENZ6
I’d get this one based upon a much more involved bit of research I’ve done subsequently, including by Consumer Reports and others. It is, however, way more expensive.
Thanks for the recommendations, I've added the Whynter to the list for consideration when the time comes. I've also got my eye on this one and the added modification in the first review.