Some weeks ago I posted about a lousy neighbor who has sprinklers set to come over a wall and 10ft onto the property where we park our Escape.
I've tried to work with them, but they are not right ??? and went ballistic on me. We don't have many options for storage and so have decided to get a cover. I've read about the pros and cons and the variety of opinions here and on other forums, and I understand the concern about dirt particulate acting like sandpaper. Since the nasty neighbors are renters and I know they hope to buy sometime soon, I view covering our Escape as a temporary situation. So... I'm not looking for a cover that costs a bundle and will last for 6 years (aka Calmark), but for one that will last a couple of years and stop the hard water from etching our Escape. Given all of that context, has anyone used the $150 cover on ebay? (I seem to recall someone discussing it on one of the forums, but searched and couldn't find any mention of it.) See:
Deluxe Escape 19' Travel Trailer camper Cover | eBay
Thanks much!
Deluxe Escape 19' Travel Trailer camper Cover | eBay
Thanks much!
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