This thread confirms my suspicion that many Escape owners are "seasoned" and that is reflected in the appreciation of quality over bottom line cost. Many other trailers can give you a much better $$$/space ratio, but they certainly don't have the appeal. Kind of a unique situation here...I am only 37 and far from retirement but have "partnered" on the Escape with my parents. They are both 69 and retired. We both have tow vehicles that are equipped to tow the trailer and we live pretty close so it is easy for both of us to use. We will sometimes overlap on trips where they go out ahead and enjoy a few days and then I'll bring the family out and then I'll tow the trailer home or vice versa. We will be doing that this summer for a week long trip to Hershey, PA. My father also boondocks for a month plus off of Lake Erie in Oct/Nov to steelhead fish. We have fun doing modifications to the trailer together and making it even better than stock. It has been very enjoyable to have such a nice trailer while the kids (and in my parents case - grand kids) are young. We also still get out and tent camp occasionally. The only regret my father has is not getting an Escape sooner! The idea of postponing certain things and assuming retirement is perfectly healthy and wealthy is a bad gamble as many have pointed out. DO IT NOW!!