"I find my 17A, without a bathroom, has nearly as much interior space as the 19 with a bathroom. I haven't missed not having a bath / shower inside ….. many have differing opinions and I respect them. Much depends on how and where you like to camp and what you are used to.
The 17B ….. has a bathroom and costs more than a 17A as a result. It also weighs more. Pounds add up as one travels steeper roads."
I agree!
To me, the best choice is between a 17A and a 19. Both have close to the same room inside (the lack of bathroom in the 17A frees up space for other stuff!)
17B would be too tight for us.
17A gives you lighter weight so more TV choices. 19 gives you the bath, a large bed and a large dinette.
We went from a 17 Casita to the 19 Escape to have a place to sit in foul weather, being able to pass each other in the aisle way, and a lot more storage. We had a Casita Liberty, works for some, didn't work for us. Lesson learned!
Had we been willing to forgo a bathroom, the 17A would have been a fine choice, and IMO, much roomier than the Casita as well. Casita storage is very limited, the lower area under the benches is mostly utilities: water tank, water pump, electrical panel, battery, hot water heater, etc. That leaves the storage in the kitchen area (which a portion is lost to the furnace). The front box (optional) on the Escape is terrific, along with under bed storage on the 19, plus under the front dinette.