Senior Member
Looks like ETI has revamped their website. Looks fantastic! I like it!
A little disturbing to see my delivery date blank. I'll trust this is a work in progress, and that my 19' will still be ready by June 9.The production schedule needs a bit more work. It seems some dates are missing and June is a complete blank. On the old version you could mouse over and see the delivery location, that does not work now, you need to click on the date.
Nice Fresh look .. one minor issue ...
the beautiful picture of the escape 15 at sunset on the left of the home page is flipped the escape 15 is backwards
Very nice! I see I'm still scheduled to PU on June 30.. whew.
Did anyone notice, ETI is calling the new 5er, the Escape 5.0TA... so, I guess now we know!