Thanks for the welcome; been following/reading the comments for the past several months; finally found a way to post my first message. Trying to figure out the procedures so I don't get into trouble; have a lot of questions; haven't sent my deposit . As soon as the new specs/changes come out, will proceed. After picking up camper, plan on camping the Northern states on the way back to Florida. 73's GilWelcome Gil and Gina! You will learn a lot about Escapes here and the info will certainly help you know just what you want on that build sheet.
THanks for the info; what are the dates for the rally; would love to attend.I assume you mean a 2019 E 19, next summer? You may want to put your order in for Spring of 2019 and then pick it up in May and attend the Escape Rally in Osoyoos, about 3 hours from the factory. It is a sight to see, about 150 Escape all lines up....and you get to see their custom ideas- Welcome G&G
THanks for the info; what are the dates for the rally; would love to attend.
73's Gil & Gina
Thanks for the info; unfortunately, can't leave Florida to pick up our 19' until first of June; is ETI accepting delivery dates for 2019?