Congrats on your upcoming 19!! Lots to think about for options. Having gone through it myself a few months ago, what you ultimately decide will probably depend on your budget, the type of camping you're planning to do, and finally, function and aesthetics. If you think you're going to be camping in places without hookups, the solar panel and dual 6-v batteries are options you don't want to be without. The surge protector is always a good idea as it offers cheap insurance for protecting your system and any electronics when plugged into shore power. I opted not to get the 2-way water heater because we'll be mostly boondocking, and I had higher priorities, but others really love their 2-way and wouldn't be without it. I also did not get custom fabric but did opt for custom formica. After much thought, I got the air conditioner although really, I'm not anticipating using it much because again, we're planning to boondock for most of our camping. It's good to have the option however. As for a WDH and sway bars, that depends on your tow vehicle. I would look at the owner's manual and/or talk with your dealer and ask for a recommendation. I got the WDH from ETI because I didn't want my tow vehicle to squat, but at this point I'm not sure I needed it. Will have to try towing without it, which we haven't done yet. I will say it has been simple and fast to hook it up and unhook it, so no tradeoffs there. Other options included the oven (but no microwave), U-shaped dinette on 4" raised floor, electric jack, frameless thermal windows and extra insulation, and spray foam on the bottom. With these options, the cost adds up quickly, so again, making decisions for what will work best for you will probably come down to your budget and the type of camping you'll be doing. Good luck, this part should be fun although it might not seem like it!