Just to clarify that the solution I used from David removes the directional air vent cover from the heater. This is because the airflow from the heater to the vent cover is not straight. So you can certainly keep the vent cover, but to do so you need to be really good working with and manipulating solid wall vent pipes as the hole from the heater and the vent cover don't line up (at least on our 21C).
I found that the increased airflow (from switching from a flex-pipe to a straight pipe) pushes enough warm air around the trailer that I don't see the need for a directional vent. It warms up everywhere pretty fast. Admittedly it does not look as nice without the vent cover, but I find it acceptable.
So if you are not worried about hair or other fibers that might mess up your sail switch, but also want increased air flow, I would switch out the flex pipe and use a solid wall pipe. If you are worried about hair and other stuff getting to the sail switch and you want to add some type of filter for air intake, I found ditching the vent cover to be the easiest solution. It is certainly possible to keep the cover, but it takes more time and other than esthetics, we have not seen the need to keep it.
In either case, I would certainly recommend a solid wall pipe if you have the time and resources to switch it out.