Escape supplies a table in the 19 that's about 12" shorter when the U-shaped dinette option is ordered (30" vs 42"), but maintains the same 30" width (the front table in the E17 is 26" wide x 25" deep). I'm planning on going with this option with my E19 build (with the Lagun mount). That will allow me to swing the table out of the way and create a more spacious lounge-like feel in the dinette area.
I would think it would be possible to adapt this smaller table to an existing bench-style dinette, though you would need to change the location of post mounts on the floor. If Escape was not willing to supply the parts, it would be easy enough to have something similar built. You would still need to keep the original table to convert the dinette into a bed...or have a 12" filler panel made.