Senior Member
My suspicion is the main reason for only opening parks, etc for locals that can walk in or ride a bike (although I know people that have ridden across the US) is to avoid an influx of folks from outside the area. That keeps the support facilities such as hospitals, law enforcement, even bathroom cleaning, etc at their expected load, and avoids bringing in the virus to areas that don't already have it.
And that is precisely the point.
In Colorado, the virus was introduced into the ski resorts by out of state people flying in for ski season. Then it got passed to employees and then to other skiers, on and on and on. Now thousands are out of jobs. Spring ski season has been cancelled to keep the mobs away from the mountain resort towns.
The governor is urging everyone to recreate within ten miles of where they live and avoid traveling hundreds of miles to their favorite hiking area. The hope is that a small sacrifice now, will pay greater dividends later.
In Colorado, the message is loud and clear to those willing to listen and who care about others. . We don't want your disease. Keep it where you live.