The other Escape Forum

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To ETI's credit, there is a response. It is up to each reader to assess the depth of uselessness of this response, and level of lack of understanding of the issue displayed by the respondent.

Totally useless feels too nice. Several owners have been injured and there is clearly a considerable risk to anyone with this cooktop yet Escape continues to do nothing. They still install it and just simply pin it all on Suburban. Nothing about cataloguing the number of issues, communicating with Suburban management, proactively reaching out to customers with the cooktop, root-cause analysis, offering of different cooktops, etc. Clearly no one at Escape must own and use these trailers because leaking and exploding cooktops most certainly would not be tolerated. How quickly Escape has seemingly succumbed to corporate greed over the good of the customer. Tammy and Reace would have without a doubt handled this much differently.

From Dustin@Escape
“Hello @dfandrews Suburban have not issued a recall for the SDS2 cooktop. If a customer becomes aware of a leak they should notify Escape and Suburban. Suburban will likely direct the customer to an authorized RV repair facility for investigation and repair. Fittings that are under or over tightened are a possible source of leak. Modifying your cooktop may invalidate your warranty, please contact Suburban if you have concerns or issues, they are generally very responsive.”
Several owners have been injured and there is clearly a considerable risk to anyone with this cooktop yet Escape continues to do nothing.

I can understand the frustration, but, it's interesting that the number of incidents climbs without additional reports.
I’ve deeply appreciate this Forum. I’ve benefited for the past 6 or 7 years from it. In fact I likely would not be an Eacape Trailer owner if not for this Forum. I’ve come to “know” and trust online posters .

Bottomline: I guess I have to check into the “new” company forum BUT I hope this forum continues. Things change I get why ETI may want to establish its own online communication format. But with Reace and Tammy gone the “mom and pop” feel of ETI left with them. ETI is now truly a production plant when we get past the warranty period we are on our own and should stick together posting ideas, fixes and tips

I'm inclined to think that any forum, website or other platform of a given company, or government for that matter, will always talk the talk, but will not walk the walk like this forum does.
Some of it is liability potential perhaps, but frankly, these last couple of years has certainly nurtured, no, actually pushed most of us to other sources to get the information we need - like this forum.
Granted, ETI has stepped up with regard to the solar panel issue on the 21NE. And certainly, my questions to them have been asked and answered...minor as they are compared to the exploding hot plate.
I suspect that what we'll see with ETI's "forum" is a company policy platform with common problems resolved in similar fashion to the solar panel issue mentioned above.

But do I really need another Escape forum? This one has proven valuable to me. I'll cast a ballot a year or two down the road for ETI's. We'll see.
I'm glad ETI created a forum that they'll participate in, and also so glad to have this one too that can't be potentially censored at ETI's whim.

That name though - did they have to pick something so similar?
I have gotten all my answers here very quickly. In dealing with ETI I’ve had to wait anywhere from a few hrs to several days where as the same question got answered here very quickly. I love our escape but after watching the video where Karl kinda put this forum n others down. I wouldn’t trust them on the new site they developed. I do hope they prove me wrong as it’s always nice to have multiple sites to get information from. Time will tell.

I can understand the frustration, but, it's interesting that the number of incidents climbs without additional reports.

I said "several owners have been injured". That is pure fact. One thread documents that NWTraveler, Perryb67 and zieranna have had explosions and been burned. Many more owners have leaks or will likely develop them as these trailers bounce down the road which makes this situation particularly dangerous. You can continue to be cynical and deny the severity of the issue if you want. On the other hand some of us have shown genuine concern for owners with this stove and have tried to assist with getting incidents properly reported. Hopefully Escape and Suburban will act before anyone else gets hurt.
I said "several owners have been injured". That is pure fact. One thread documents that NWTraveler, Perryb67 and zieranna have had explosions and been burned. Many more owners have leaks or will likely develop them as these trailers bounce down the road which makes this situation particularly dangerous. You can continue to be cynical and deny the severity of the issue if you want. On the other hand some of us have shown genuine concern for owners with this stove and have tried to assist with getting incidents properly reported. Hopefully Escape and Suburban will act before anyone else gets hurt.
^^^Could not agree more!
I just looked at the Stovetop thread in the ETI forum and saw only one post mentioning the real problem with the stove and it had links to the forum here instead of posting the problem there. Any thoughts on if the ETI folks actually checked those links?

No mention of Lawsuits, Reports to Govt agencies and the like that we here have been tossing around.

My stovetop nuts are as they should be and I can find no evidence of leaks so I can't post about the problems from personnel experience.

Might be interesting to see what ETI would do with a really scathing post on their forum such as we have seen here on the stovetop.
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It's difficult for me to comprehend why a forum that is only 24 hours old and has but a few posts is already getting "negative press" here. What has happened in this country where most everything and everyone is judged under "guilty until proven innocent"? There is a place online for both venues and it will largely be up to those who post on "the other forum" to set the tone and usefulness of the information there. Obviously no company is going to allow themselves to be "bashed" on their own forum but to the extent that problems are identified, with fixes, alternatives, and where work-arounds are presented in a helpful manner, I personally have no reason to believe that a company that relies only on "word of mouth" promotion will ignore or censure those problems. Having their own forum should provide an easier mechanism for them to identify and collate meaningful stats. Lets all come to the new forum table with an attitude of gratitude for all that ETI is willing to do for us (something very few other RV companies do) and give them the benefit of showing us what the forum means to them before we flush it away. This forum has been a tremendous help to me as my wife and I made decisions about our 5.0 build and I suspect it will continue to thrive (as it should). But I only stumbled upon it in my online wanderings and I suspect there are many who never do find this forum. A forum that is directly connected to ETI's website will make it much easier for "newbies" (both to ETI and RV life in general) to find useful information, ideas, and feedback that is relevant to our common interests. So let's work hard to make ETI's forum just as useful (if not more) than this one. Only WE can do that. Here's to "the other forums" future positive impact and success to us and ETI.
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It's difficult for me to comprehend why a forum that is only 24 hours old and has but a few posts is already getting "negative press" here. What has happened in this country where most everything and everyone is judged under "guilty until proven innocent"? There is a place online for both venues and it will largely be up to those who post on "the other forum" to set the tone and usefulness of the information there. Obviously no company is going to allow themselves to be "bashed" on their own forum but to the extent that problems are identified, with fixes, alternative, and work-arounds are presented in a helpful manner, I personally have no reason to believe that a company that relies only on "word of mouth" promotion will ignore or censure those problems. Having their own forum should provide an easier mechanism for them to identify and collate meaningful stats. Lets all come to the new forum table with an attitude of gratitude for all that ETI is willing to do for us (something very few other RV companies do) and give them the benefit of showing us what the forum means to them before we flush it away. This forum has been a tremendous help to me as my wife and I made decisions about our 5.0 build and I suspect it will continue to thrive (as it should). But I only stumbled upon it in my online wanderings and I suspect there are many who never do find this forum. A forum that is directly connected to ETI's website will make it much easier for "newbies" (both to ETI and RV life in general) to find useful information, ideas, and feedback that is relevant to our common interests. So let's work hard to make ETI's forum just as useful (if not more) than this one. Only WE can do that. Here's to "the other forums" future positive impact and success to us and ETI.

'Good show' as my Brit friends would say.
It's 2021.

The forum software they've chosen looks like it came from the mid 90's.



Karl came to ETI from running London Drugs web presence ( large retailer ). London Drugs web site sucks. Search for "Melita coffee" and you'll get Argyle socks.

Karl came to ETI from running London Drugs web presence ( large retailer ). London Drugs web site sucks. Search for "Melita coffee" and you'll get Argyle socks.

Thread drift for the day
I get tired of searching for anything. If it’s something that’s available locally I get in the Highlander, go to the store, look at the product and buy it or not. I don’t need much new these days so it’s probably good and I’m lucky that I have my established go to sources.
As far as a new forum goes, there’s not much I can’t get done with a little help from the folks on this forum so it’s not of a great interest to me. I am interested to see the number and diverse offerings of used Escapes for sale these days.

It’s been pretty hot and dry in Iowa for June standards so some days after the chores are done it’s time for a ride and a Dairy Queen. Usually to a local campground or two. About 44% occupancy on weekdays, higher to full up at the CGs close to the city on the weekends.
Have a great weekend coming up.

Here’s a photo from yesterday at Hopkinton Iowa . Home of Lenox college 1859-1944
Old depot across the street from the college. Also Hopkinton was the home of the father of long line mink trapping during the depression. J Curtiss Grigg. Fascinating entrepreneurship
Iowa Dave


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As far as a new forum goes, there’s not much I can’t get done with a little help from the folks on this forum so it’s not of a great interest to me. …

Unfortunate and a loss for those who only discover "the other forum". Your experience, wealth of knowledge, and expertise would be a tremendous asset there. Keep an open mind.
I love our escape but after watching the video where Karl kinda put this forum n others down. I wouldn’t trust them on the new site they developed. I do hope they prove me wrong as it’s always nice to have multiple sites to get information from. Time will tell.

I really hope Karl didn't put this forum down. Honestly I don't think Escape would be what it is today without it. The genuine dialogue has undoubtedly led to improvements over the years. Reace sometimes saw posts first hand and was generally receptive to constructive criticism. Potential owners would learn something here and then approach Escape with an option request which sometimes was then made standard. Also some owners have admitted that they only made the leap to buy after realizing the forum was a great resource for support/troubleshooting. I have tried to give Karl and the new organization a fair shake. Unfortunately it feels more and more to me like a marketing company that happens to make trailers.
From what I've seen of the "other" forum, I can't be bothered to log on.

Thank You!

I plan to post all my mods and advice on the "other" forum. The only reason I posted my mods in the first place was to help others and Escape improve their trailers.

The trolling here made me quit - its GOT to be better over there. Every conversation i have had with Karl has been productive - they have my support.
...I have tried to give Karl and the new organization a fair shake. Unfortunately it feels more and more to me like a marketing company that happens to make trailers.

The resale value of our 1st generation Reace and Tammy era Escape trailers is sure to increase the longer that Karl et al run ETI! :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Thank You!

I plan to post all my mods and advice on the "other" forum. The only reason I posted my mods in the first place was to help others and Escape improve their trailers.

The trolling here made me quit - its GOT to be better over there. Every conversation i have had with Karl has been productive - they have my support.

Very happy to see you back Tx. I agree that some here would rather critique responses than try to help the OP. You know who you are!

I'll be watching the response from the ETI site on your posts.
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