Hi Bea,
Our 17b is due in 55 calander days or 37 business days.
donandbea said:
It should be mentioned that we are not very heat tolerant and would be doing most of our traveling outside of the summer months.
The issue of A/C or not A/C is discussed in previous threads. It seems that if you are trying to save some costs, A/C isn't necessary in Canadian climates. If you plan on trips south it might be a different story. We are getting our 17 pre-prepped for future A/C for if and when we do a US roadtrip or Baja.
Jim Bennett said:
The front box was not available when I bought mine, but would likely have opted for it. There is a ton of storage space regardless, this would just be something more accessible.
The tongue box will be nice for:
1. storage
2. line-ex protection for the shell
3. Escapes being rivetless construction, we didn't want exterior access hatches cut into the shell to access docking equipment.
Jim Bennett said:
We did not get the bug room for a few reasons. 1) I am bigger than them so am not too worried, 2) I really did not want snaps riveted to the side of the trailer, and 3) I prefer to have a separate screen room I can carry should we need one. I know there are some that like theirs and that is great, it is the advantage of buying an Escape that offers all these options.
We "dry" camp in Forest Service campsites that are often crowded with partying mosquitos: the screen room seemed a good idea. I didn't know that Escape riveted snaps to the side of the trailer to anchor the screen room: I might have decided not to purchase it had I known this. Hopefully the snaps are stainless steel.
We didn't get a lot of superfluous electronics: no microwave, no TV. We did get a 12v plug installed for the laptop.
Other options we thought were worthwhile: insulation/thermal windows, 5 cuft fridge, high-lift axle, dual propane and dual 6v batteries. We also got the out side shower: its more for relatives who tent camp with us who we don't want using the inside facility.
Some of these items may be standard on the 19 but options on the 17.
Have fun waiting and dreaming: your trailer might be under construction when we pick ours up in July.
See you on the road this summer.