Vaccines are here! Have you started your series?


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2016
Whidbey Island
My mother and I are scheduled for tomorrow to get the Moderna vaccine, first shot. My sister who is a doctor has had 1&2 of Pfizer's vaccine (sore arm on injection site for 2).

We'll still have to be careful until they can demonstrate whether the vaccine stops spread (and because 95% effective still means 1 in 20 caught it with the vaccine) but it will be. a relief to me not to worry so much about my 91 year old mom. And once I'm done, if California isn't banning travel, I can go see my grandkids much more safely.
My mother and I are scheduled for tomorrow to get the Moderna vaccine, first shot. My sister who is a doctor has had 1&2 of Pfizer's vaccine (sore arm on injection site for 2).
My wife got both shots from Phizer as she is a medical worker in a hospital. The second shot kicked up a 102F fever and left her very tired and aching. She recovered within a day.

We'll still have to be careful until they can demonstrate whether the vaccine stops spread (and because 95% effective still means 1 in 20 caught it with the vaccine)
I think medical experts are hyping this line of thought in a misguided effort to have vaccinated people continue to wear masks. I think being more straightforward would work better. Just tell everyone this vaccine is great but that we should all continue to wear masks until we reach some level of herd immunity through innoculation.

The truth is that a 95% effective vaccine is right up there with the best vaccines we've ever made (measles and chicken pox) and everyone should be excited to get this vaccine ASAP as it is the gateway to being able to see your non-household loved ones again in person.
My wife got both shots from Phizer as she is a medical worker in a hospital. The second shot kicked up a 102F fever and left her very tired and aching. She recovered within a day.

I think medical experts are hyping this line of thought in a misguided effort to have vaccinated people continue to wear masks. I think being more straightforward would work better. Just tell everyone this vaccine is great but that we should all continue to wear masks until we reach some level of herd immunity through innoculation.

The truth is that a 95% effective vaccine is right up there with the best vaccines we've ever made (measles and chicken pox) and everyone should be excited to get this vaccine ASAP as it is the gateway to being able to see your non-household loved ones again in person.

It's a very effective vaccine but it is also a new kind which works differently and there is reason to be concerned about still being able to transmit the virus. I'm watching Israel closely as they are up to 25% vaccinated and their case rate isn't slowing yet. (There is a lag on testing for cases, though, and they started mid-December so people are just getting immunity from the Pfizer vaccine, in another week or two I'd expect the case rate to go down.

Besides- the 1 in 20 would be great for flu vaccine where even 50-60% of us were vaccinated but Covid is more contagious than the flu and far fewer have immunity, so being the 1 is not as unlikely.

And I'm glad your wife recovered quickly. My sister has been giving the vaccine and has seen one reaction, not too bad, just a rash treated with Benadryl.
I'll definitely continue masks and distancing for quite a bit, vaccinated or not.
I may just keep masking going forward when out running errands. As an aside, it seems to have really affected the spread of the flu in 2020.
Oriental societies have been routinely wearing masks in over-crowded urban areas for many years now to contain the spread of communicable diseases and air quality issues.
My wife and I, have both had the two doses of the Pfizer-biontech with no ill effects. We have our CDC Covid vaccination cards safely tucked away with our passports.

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I'll definitely continue masks and distancing for quite a bit, vaccinated or not.
I may just keep masking going forward when out running errands. As an aside, it seems to have really affected the spread of the flu in 2020.
Oriental societies have been routinely wearing masks in over-crowded urban areas for many years now to contain the spread of communicable diseases and air quality issues.

Yes, interesting that it has slowed flu and other viruses- shows how virulent SARS-COv-2 is comparatively when it is the main thing getting around all the distancing and hand washing. Of course, we have vaccines and immunity towards most other things.
My nephew worked in R&D for Pfizer for several years, until he quit to become a pharmacist. He has studied the specs on these vaccines, and he and his wife both have taken them. He let us know that Moderna and Pfizer both stress the importance of receiving the second shot within 2 to 3 weeks of the first one. My nephew said that this is very important. But the way the vaccine supply is being rolled out, at the present time it is rather difficult to comply with this time frame.

Norway is cautioning its citizens that, if they are frail or in poor health, they should not get the Covid vaccine. They've had a few such people die after taking the vaccine; the illness symptoms of the vaccine added onto their existing condition 'pushed them over the edge.'

I contracted Covid over Christmas. 3 days of fever, feeling tired, and just a bit of congestion and cough. That was it. Not too bad for a guy in his 60s. :) I don't plan to get the vaccine and neither does my wife; but then, we don't get the flu shots, either.
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Glad you are getting the vaccine! I am a healthcare worker and will get my second (Pfizer) dose tomorrow.
I didn't realize how much anxiety I was feeling until now that it is starting lift. I will still wear a mask of coarse.
I have two more rounds of chemo to go. I’ve heard I can get it and I’ve heard I need to wait.

Seeing Oncologist next Tuesday to give me his advice. I’ll take it as soon as I can get it!!!!

My family and friends keep the COVID DENIERS, HEARD IMMUNITARIANS, ANTI SCIENCERS and the ANTI MASKERS far away!

I personally now know 4 people who have died from COVID, 14 who have been hospitalized with COVID and multiple who have tested positive for COVID.
I'm excited! Oregon is really slow rolling out the vaccines which really surprises me as Oregon is usually first to do anything. Looks like I'll get my first shot sometime after March 1st. I'm okay with that. I want all the healthcare workers, first responders, essential workers, teachers and all the staff and childcare providers to get theirs first. I've waited this long, another six weeks to two months is easy.

Fortunately it's winter and camping won't start for me until the end of April.

I'm just grateful for the opportunity. I want to see my family and friends!

Be well, be safe :thumb:

I’m scheduled to get my Modena shot from my school district Friday .Hopefully we will be able to see our Grandkids this Spring break . Good luck getting our vaccinations before ⛺️ camping season. JimW
94 years young Mom got her Moderna Jab 1 on 12/31/2020 at the independent living facility where she lives, will get Jab 2 this Friday 1/ 22/2021.

I'm in group "1b" (over 65), got my Moderna Jab 1 this morning at a very efficient no-lines local hospital administrative office (scheduled the appointment online last Friday). Jab 2 scheduled for Friday 2/12/2021.

Very glad to get it done, it's not gonna affect either of our rigorously isolationist behaviors or our rabid masking/distancing when we must be 'out in the population' for a long time yet to come. I've not been able to see her in person for months and we don't expect that to change for months.

We are both thankful that the upscale high-rise facility where she lives has been extraordinarily conservative, careful, and rigorous insofar as protocols for resident safety and so far the results have been very few positives in the population there. Knocking on wood.

Wishing all the best to everyone, Stay Safe, this is not the time to drop your guard!
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I'm 64, so below Florida's current 65+ cutoff for vaccine eligibility. But I have strategically remained fat so that perhaps I can get bumped ahead in the queue. We'll see if it works.
We are staying in Bastrop, TX ....
Hey there Fred! I live in the county between Cedar Creek and Rockne ... would be neat to meet but not gonna happen anytime soon .... enjoy your stay and maybe catch you next time you are in the area :) :thumb:
We're traveling, but have scheduled our shots for 2:39 am, February 15, at Cardinal Stadium, in Glendale, AZ. We tried getting the shots in Texas, but it was a nightmare to just get connected. One day later after trying in Texas, Arizona was a piece of cake.


My parents just got it and were very sick. My dad was so bad that for the 2nd dose in March they will put him in the hospital for the shot. I could get on a list, but my wife can’t yet. However, our county has only had 60 doses total and has none, and expects none for at least a month. I’m okay waiting until this summer as I feel there are those who need it much worse than I do.
I'm 64, so below Florida's current 65+ cutoff for vaccine eligibility. But I have strategically remained fat so that perhaps I can get bumped ahead in the queue. We'll see if it works.

Hey, that was my plan! My silly sister went on a diet.
My wife and I both got our first shot. We are both over 75, me 5 years over. I just hope our appointments for the second shot take place as scheduled. Neither of us had any after affects from the shot other than barely noticeable soreness for my wife, for me nothing. Looking forward to round two. I wonder if those so against a shot of any kind are just plain wimps.
Hey there Fred! I live in the county between Cedar Creek and Rockne ... would be neat to meet but not gonna happen anytime soon .... enjoy your stay and maybe catch you next time you are in the area :) :thumb:

May happen sooner than later. COVID-19 has slowed down our full time travel adventures so much that we purchased some property and are planning to build our home. When all this blows over, we shall resume.

Fred M.

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