The wax I use is Meguiars Flagship Premium. Easy on and off. It is not a polish, so it will not remove any oxidation. Fortunately our trailer has been stored inside since new when not in use, so wax with no polish works well.
Hey bborzell
Can you recommend a (best ) wax for the Escape.
I have a 2023 21ne. Plan on waxing it up before winter.
We've had a hot as hell summer down here in the south. Not a good time to wax.
My thoughts are parallel with you on roof walking. Just isn't a good idea. I'll ladder was and wax. All it would take is one miss step in the right spot and sha- zam a crack. All the Kings men couldn't put it as it was....... again.
Thanks for and and all information you or anyone here that reads this.
Cheers to ya...... and Happy Trails.........Jack
Ladders, for us "senior citizens" are near "widow makers". Maybe you have great skill on them, and maybe even a prehensile tail, but the statistics are not in our favor. I now cringe some when I mount a ladder. A friend of a friend died off one, my neighbor blew out a knee when the ladder slipped away from beneath him....anyways, my point is, any and all ladders come with risk, and the higher the age, the bigger the risk.
Stay low, go slow.
Yeah, I used to be really comfortable on a ladder. Now, I don't wax the roof