steve dunham
Senior Member
After fishing / tent camping in Canada , Northern Minnesota (BWCA) & Wisconsin during prime mosquito and black fly season for over 50 years , I would not think of leaving home without a more than ample supply of deet. Any bug repellant with less than 40% deet is a waste of time IMHO . Deet used as directed WORKS and if the bug spray starts to bother me I take a quick dip in the lake.
I've actually stood in water up to my neck to avoid getting eaten alive by bugs while camping in the BWCA.
When fishing / camping in Canada , we brought along a whole case of Repel 40% , a few bottles of 100% deet and then prayed for a good frost.
I've actually stood in water up to my neck to avoid getting eaten alive by bugs while camping in the BWCA.
When fishing / camping in Canada , we brought along a whole case of Repel 40% , a few bottles of 100% deet and then prayed for a good frost.