If the fridge on 12V is 350W as Alan said in post #20 then it is not really useful at all in my mind. ...
Whoops, senior memory moment.

Don't know where the 350 watt number came from. Looking at the specs I can see that 12V fridge operation uses 170 watts (the first number is the 120V power rating).
See the details in the thumbnail below.
And I did measure the voltage on the batteries with the fridge running on 12V while connected to the tow vehicle. At fast idle I was seeing 12.4V at the batteries with fridge on, and 13.8 with fridge off. Clearly my charging circuit is loosing considerable voltage between the alternator and the trailer batteries which I attribute to skinny wire, mostly in the truck. Bottom line, I can not run the fridge on 12V while driving and expect to arrive at a campground with charged batteries.