Saturday we stopped at Antelope Valley to do a little bit of soaring but it was cut short by a mis-communication error on the amount of fuel for the tow plane. "Error" and "fuel" aren't two words that you want to use in the same sentence when it involves aviation.
Finally getting nice and warm.
Went down to Lake Elsinor and stayed at the soaring club.
Sunday, a couple of good soaring flights and got to ride up and drop off a bunch of skydivers. I wear a parachute but you couldn't get me to jump unless the wings fell off.
A lot of fog on the coast, could just see the top of Santa Catalina Island.
Another nice quiet night at the airport. Today we'll slowly start heading for Q'site.
Had to open the roof vents. Loving the warmth. Yesterday a neighbor sent a photo of our snow covered driveway and house. Glad I'm not home shoveling it.