Wild Ride Update
Well the wild ride to Chilliwack n back is done and "70 Degrees" is back at the storage lot in her element, nice and warm in the Phoenix sunshine.

We considered the I-5 route, but thanks, Donna for your report we went back the way we came.
We conquered Snoqualamie Pass and all the Eastern OR passes with dry roads and mostly sunshine. Reace had suggested since we broke the winterization on our stay up in Lynden, that we run with the furnace on which we did. Seattle campground froze up the night before we left which delayed our take-off. Stayed the first night behind the Cracker Barrel in Boise, ID and after a luxurious comfort food dinner we encountered 12 degrees overnight there. The decision to get the twin 6v system paid huge dividends as we were able to run the furnace at 69 all night and keep the cabinets open to hopefully prevent any freeze up. Didn't even dent the batteries.

Only fail we had the entire 6 nights in the trailer was in Boise. At 2:30am the fridge started beeping and the lovely auto changeover regulator did not do it's thing. So out I go in 12 degrees to flip the tanks manually.

I don't know yet if the regulator is bad or the 12 degrees crippled it.
Due to the extreme temps we ran the next day with the furnace on 55 and headed south on NV 93 for Las Vegas. No issues and made the KOA in Las Vegas. Hooked up full utilities and checked the first two hours if we had any freeze damage, but it was perfect!
This was quite a trip and the trailer was almost letter perfect even in extreme situations. (Thanks ETI) We really lucked out as two days either way coming or going would have put us in winter storms and delayed us. We got narrow windows of good weather both directions and slipped through.
Really no issues with the trailer, we love it! Thanks Reace n Tammy and all ETI for building us a great unit. It has already been battle tested and came through with flying colors.
Also, a big Thank You to Canada and Canadiens for showing us a small piece of your Country. The kids loved Chilliwack, Vancouver, and Vancouver Island. (Especially the Ferry rides.) We did stump our restaurant staff on Vancouver Island as no one knew who governed in the Parliament buildings or really how the government even worked. They did know that something happens in December there every year, but beyond that, completely mystified. The staff was going to go take the tour the next day and find out.