Any person that tells you they had to sell their house because they can't get to it is not telling you the whole story. They did do something that resulted in loss of their 'privilege' to cross and they did not appeal it, and win, through the official process.
So many things that are happening at a border crossing are occurring for a reason. For years there has been video and audio surveillance and the Supervisors actually are seeing/hearing all that is going on during YOUR crossing.
IF the person greets you with a smile so you will feel comfortable .... they will not see 'you' get nervous, fidgety, etc. which tips them off to send you to secondary.
Back in the day they could profile you and let ma and pa pass through. But now they must stop ma and pa to 'prove' they are not profiling.
And guess what, smugglers watch who got through easily and find folks matching that profile, or dress up and act that way, so now YOU look like THEM ....
Be thankful that some people will take these jobs and take your crap while trying to save your butt from some real bad actors. And the next time you feel offended by them ... Thank them, be kind and understanding, so maybe there day won't be quite as bad as it is .....
Oh, keep this in mind, when they are considering purchasing a trailer from ETI, or already own one, how do they feel reading these 21 pages and CANNOT (if they are currently employed by the Government) reply and help you understand what it's like to be in their shoes .... many of the reasons for what they are trained to do is confidential and supposed to 'surprise' bad actors to catch them before they cause mayhem.
Time to stop your whining and complaining and be thankful YOUR country is trying to protect YOU. There will always be a few 'bad apples' and if you are honest with yourselves ... you will admit that YOU don't always treat other folks 'perfectly' at work, at home, and on this Forum....
Yep, treat everyone with respect and hope that it's a two way street.
:Thanx:Yep, treat everyone with respect and hope that it's a two way street.
Don't worry Tammy. If they won't let you across and you have a craving for something, Wine,Cheese, Beer, etc. we'll get to you. Iowa Dave knows how to skin a Muskrat with an Air Compresser. We can tie it inside and float it across.:whistling:How bout it Dave you in???
"Enhanced Drivers License (EDL) in U.S. English, Enhanced Driver's Licence in Canadian English, or Enhanced ID in other common usage, is a card which functions both as driving licence and ID card with limited passport features issued in some states in the United States and some provinces in Canada to people who are both ..."We went through border coming back into US and Agent asked to see our enhanced license somewhere in my friends car his sons enhansed license was lost ? We didn't know what he was talking about . Apparently the EL shows up on his computer screen Wel
finally sorted it out never did find his Son licence
BTW we basically almost finished our build sheet the only 2 things left which windows to get tthe sliders or the pushout
"Enhanced Drivers License (EDL) in U.S. English, Enhanced Driver's Licence in Canadian English, or Enhanced ID in other common usage, is a card which functions both as driving licence and ID card with limited passport features issued in some states in the United States and some provinces in Canada to people who are both ..."
Hmm. I learned something.
That makes sense, matches what U.S. Homeland Security says, and probably applies to all Enhanced Driver's Licenses:AND… they are RF sensitive. The ones in Washington State must be carried in an RF sleeve and removed upon approaching the border. It actually shows up on their screens as you approach (is my understanding). If loose in the car without the sleeve, no wonder they were asking for it.
Glad it all works out for you, though it doesn't. Hope, despite all the hassle, you enjoy your Escape, your camping, and your stay in Canada!
Doug & Lucy probably have the most current information since they picked up their 5.0TA yesterday and are waiting to cross the border.It's friday, hear any updates from Tammy anyone?